
Infant Daycare Program

6 Weeks - 12 Months


Our infant program combines structure, learning, playing, and constant care-taking so infants are assured a safe, stimulating, and fun-filled environment. Haslet Elite Learning Center personnel are extensively trained and devoted to help these little ones develop important emotional, cognitive, social, and physical skills. Activities may include, playing with toys, art, pretending, enjoying stories and books, discovering sand and water, music, and exploring outdoors. We will keep your child on his/her daily schedule as much as possible. Our staff are all trained in CPR/First Aid and can provide a safe environment for your baby.

We recognize this is the first step of a child’s educational path, but it is likely a new routine for parents as well. Our staff communicates with parents as needed and provides a daily log of activities, milestones, funny moments, etc.


Parents must provide food/ formula/ liquid/ milk for children in the Infant and Crawler rooms. The Infant and Crawler rooms are equipped with refrigerators. All bottles are required to have a sticker with the child’s name and the date the bottle was made. Please be certain to inform staff in the classroom the type of formula your child is using, and any other facts regarding diet. Do not bring open baby food jars - Licensing requirements restrict us from serving prepared baby food from previously opened jars. Any unused baby food will be sent home or thrown away each evening. Breast milk must be handled in a manner consistent with universal precautions. Please clearly identify all breast milk.


Please provide diapers, wipes and diaper ointment (if needed) for your infant. All items must be labeled with the child’s first and last name. HELC request you bring a package of diapers to leave at the center. You will be notified when your child is running low on diapers. If you have any questions, please check with the office.


Infants are growing and adapting at rapid rates so our staff is guided to be flexible and assess each child individually. While each day involves motor skills enhancement, brain power exercises, arts and crafts, nap times, eating, physical activity, and music, each child’s schedule will be modified based on their unique needs. Our day is action-packed with learning lessons combined with feeding time, naptime, circle time, and floor play. The day includes outside time (weather permitting). Inside, children are exposed to group activities (i.e. story time, songs, games) and personal one-on-one interaction (i.e. puzzles, independent play, tummy time practice).