Health and Safety

Health and Safety

School Health services are designed to appraise, protect, and promote the optimum health of students and school personnel.

Please do not send a child to school who will potentially be spreading any disease. If your child vomits, has diarrhea, or a fever, please do not medicate them and send them in. Also, if they have a cold, if the mucus is any color other than clear, they do not belong in school. While we understand that it is often difficult to take time off from work or to find someone to care for a sick child, if another parent sent in their sick child who then infected your child, you would be upset.

Illness Policy


These guidelines are for the welfare of all of our children. In order to provide a safe and healthy we rely on our parents to monitor their children with these guidelines in mind. A child that is ill or has a temperature of 101 degrees or above should be kept at home. All children shall have direct contact with a staff member upon arrival for early detection of apparent illness, communicable disease, or unusual condition or behavior, see the Drop-Off section above. A child that is too ill to remain in the center shall be supervised and cared for until the child can be cared for elsewhere. The child will be sent home if he/she is running a temperature of over 101 degrees, if he/she is vomiting or has diarrhea, or if it is suspected that he/she has a contagious disease. In the event you are called to pick up an ill child, you must pick your child up within 30 minutes. If a child needs to be sent home and their parents are unreachable, we will call the emergency contacts listed on the Pick-up Permission form. The center reserves the right to request the child to see a physician or have a physician’s note prior to returning. For further clarification refer to the F-Section of this manual for our full “First Aid/Medication Policy” and our “Guidelines: When A Child Can Return.”

If a child has allergies or asthma, we have additional forms which must be completed by your child’s doctor.

Medications Policy

All medication to be given to children must be in the original bottle with the instructions clearly printed on it as provided by the doctor’s prescription or by the pharmaceutical company. All medicine including scripted and un-scripted medications must be in an up-to-date bottle and not be out-dated or past-dated. All prescription medication must have that child’s name on the script. All non-prescription medicine must have a permanent sticker with the child’s name and the date the medication was left at the center. A “Permission to give Medication” form needs to be filled out prior to the administration of any medication. All medicines must be personally handed to the teacher in charge at the time of arrival along with the “Permission to give Medication” form (Filled out). HELC reserves the right not to give medicines if the dosage is questionable or not according to the label. HELC reserves the right to request a doctor’s consent via hand written prescription for any non-prescription medications. A copy of the “Authorization to Give Medication” form (example on page Z-23) along with the medication bottle and any remaining medication will be given returned to the parent upon completion of the course of medication.


All children enrolled must have their immunization records up-to-date or provide an exemption affidavit. The child’s immunization record must be provided by the parent and all information must be current. The parent shall also provide proof of this with a form signed by a health care provider. This form will state that the child has received all current, age-appropriate immunizations. Parent’s wishing to take a religious exemption must contact the office to find out the proper procedure for providing an affidavit of such a religious opposition. If HELC is penalized or fined for non-compliance of immunization cards due to a parent’s neglect, that fine will be passed on to the client responsible.